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Goblin Genesis

“Alright, talk,” said Spider-Man in an irritated voice, as he hung upside down, with a hood squirming and thrashing, but unable to break free from the grip, as he was face to face with the web slinger. “The Green Goblin, what do you know about him?”

“Goblin?” asked the hood in a dumb voice. “I don’t know what you’re talking about…”

“Guy on a hang glider, dressed as a goblin, throws exploding pumpkins, razor bats, and sonic toads, you know, the Green Goblin,” said Spider-Man.

“Right, that guy, I don’t know, I see him around my bar sometimes, he’s gathering people, for something big, his own mob, I think it’s to overthrow the Kingpin,” said the hood but he looked horrified, when he realized what he had said. “But I don’t want anything to do with that, I’m just a small time guy really, that’s all I know, I swear.”

“Fine,” said Spider-Man as he lowered the hood to the ground, as he trembled in absolute fear and turned, before swinging off, leaving the hood’s eyes darting back and forth.

Over a month, and I know very almost nothing about the Goblin, every lead I’ve dug up a dead end but he’s out there and he’s planning something, overthrowing the Kingpin, can’t say I blame him on that one, I’m not the biggest fan of that guy myself but still, all the innocent people put in the crossfire,” thought Spider-Man. “I have to find him, people dying, my fault.”

Spider-Man turned, checking his watch. Reluctantly, he had to abandon the search for the Green Goblin, as school was beginning in another half of an hour and Peter did not want to be late on his last day for this year.


The hallways of Midtown High was abuzz for the end of the school year, with much talk about the plans for the summer. Peter was not among them, rather he thought all the summer would mean was more time for him to track down the Green Goblin. He walked over to where Gwen was standing.

“Hey, Gwen, have you seen Harry?” asked Peter.

“No, I haven’t,” said Gwen. “He’s about as busy as you’ve been as of late, considering what happened, all the meetings he’s had to go to recently.”

Yeah and he’s coping with everything about as well as could be expected, at least he doesn’t have to plan himself for his father’s death every waking minute of the day, like I do with Uncle Ben,” thought Peter. “Of course, how I coped with it was swinging around the city in my long underwear, fighting crime. I wouldn’t really recommend that little coping mechanism to anyone, but that’s what gets me going each and every day.’

“Peter, earth to Peter,” said Gwen as Peter’s eyes snapped towards her. “You looked like you were a million miles off.”

“Sometimes my mind feels like that,” said Peter. “I’ve been preoccupied lately, more than usual, given I haven’t been close to catching up with him.”

“If it makes you feel any better, Dad’s no closer to finding anything on this Green Goblin than you are, Peter,” remarked Gwen.

“No, it doesn’t feel me better” said Peter, as he recalled that day where the Green Goblin blew up the office building, he could have stopped him, but he was just too slow. He ran into a man who’s sister was killed in the explosion, he blamed Spider-Man. Jameson was having a field day with this little fiasco, claiming that Spider-Man should have been run out of town on a splintery rail.

He was brought out of his thoughts by a very tired Harry Osborn walking into the school. Several people muttered.

“Harry, good morning,” said Gwen.

“Yeah good morning, Harry, how are you?” asked Peter.

“Could have been better,” said Harry in a flat tone of voice. “A board meeting today right after school, I had two board meetings last time. My father was involved in three lawsuits before he was in that explosion, at least three that I know of, and now I have to deal with it. I’ve gotten death threats, I haven’t been able to sleep and now there’s something about a Green Goblin or something killing one of the top executives at the company, a major shareholder as well come to think of it…”

“Green Goblin?” interrupted Peter curiously which got him a strange look from Harry.

“Yeah, it’s ridiculous as he sounds, another nut in a costume, Spider-Man hasn’t even been able to stop him,” said Harry his agitation growing. “Let’s face it, my father was right, I couldn’t handle this corporation, what was the Board even thinking putting me in charge, even if it was temporary?”

“No, Harry, don’t say that, you can handle this,” said Gwen.

“Thanks for the support Gwen,” responded Harry as he looked at Peter. “But now he’s gone and I have to deal with it.”

“I know how you feel, Harry,” said Peter.

“No, you know nothing of how I feel, Pete, your uncle was killed and he might have not been the best off, but at least he didn’t leave you a whole mass of problems to deal with when he was in the ground,” said Harry his voice and temper raising. “Not that you care, Dad favored you from the moment he met you, not that ever favored me. He never gave me any compliments. Not even the stuff I did well, he always found the flaws and don’t bother sticking up for him. And one of my best friends is keeping things from me, running off all the time, not even being around most the time, while my other best friend is making excuses for him.”

“Harry, why didn’t you tell me that you were upset that I wasn’t around?” asked Peter.

“Maybe I should have, but would I trust you to give me the straight up truth?” asked Harry.

“Because, we’re friends,” offered Peter but somehow this was enough.

“Not for much longer if you don’t start being more truthful, Pete,” said Harry as he turned, before walking off in a bit of a mood.

“His father, it’s really getting to him, this is worse than I thought,” said Peter. “I didn’t even know he was taking it this bad.”

“Well you have been preoccupied,” said Gwen carefully and Peter looked at her, with a reluctant nod. “Are you going to tell him about..well you know?”

“No,” said Peter and Gwen looked at him. “The amount of stress he’s under right now, that might not be the best idea, given the circumstances.”

“It’s your choice Peter, I really hope you make the right one,” said Gwen before she abruptly dropped the subject and the two walked down the hallways, hurrying to class as the warning bell rang.


From outside of a hotel, three men with neatly trimmed hair, wearing three piece suits exited the building. The men walked towards a waiting limo. They were major shareholders of Oscorp, from outside the city. The latest meeting that would be held today would determine the future of the company, after it was believed that Norman Osborn had met his demise at the hands of a mysterious accident.

“I don’t know about a teenager running a company,” said one of the shareholders.

“It’s just for cosmetic purposes really, the major decisions are made by others,” said a second shareholder.

“Still it’s bad for our stock options,” said the first shareholder.

“Not that the owner of the company being killed is the best thing,” said a third shareholder in agreement, as he opened the door of the limo, sliding in the back suit. The other two shareholders followed his lead and they sat inside.

“Wonder what Osborn was working on, it couldn’t be anything too stable if it exploded like that,” said the second shareholder, as the limo began to drive.

“He’s always been sketchy, but he’s built the company from nothing,” said the first shareholder. “I bought my stock when it was worth nothing and now at its current rate of growth, I could be a millionaire in another couple of years. Just got to ditch the wife and kids and start a new life in the Bahamas.”

“I hear you, if the old lady had her way, I’d be a pauper by now,” said the second shareholder as they laughed, but the limo drove down the street, in the opposite direction from the Oscorp building. “Excuse me, but Oscorp is in the other direction. You’re going the wrong way.”

The limo kept driving for another moment without any response and the shareholders were beginning to get agitated.

“Look didn’t you hear me, this is an important meeting, we have to be there on time?” demanded the shareholder but the chauffer had refused to give even the simplest of responses. “Whoever you are, you better turn this limo around.”

“Must be a foreigner,” muttered the second shareholder but the limo turned, gaining speed as he went up the hill towards a ramp. “Hey, I know that ramp, it’s not completed, what’s going on here, turn around and face us.”

“If you insist,” said a cold voice as the chauffer turned around rather slowly. The shareholders were taken aback when they saw exactly who was sitting in the driver’s seat. It was the Green Goblin, dressed as the chauffer, his mask obscuring his face. He responded with loud insane laughter that was chilling to the bone. “Where to gentlemen?”

“Who are you?” asked the third shareholder, shaking like mad.

“Someone who has a reason to make you pay for what you’ve done,” said the Green Goblin. “The Oscorp shareholders have been very rotten, trying to conspire to take this company away from the man that built it with his own two hands. You drove Norman Osborn to his death, just to line your pockets with a little more money, but there’s no need to worry. Money won’t be an option where you’re going. You will regret the day you’ve decided to side with the Kingpin.”

‘The ramp, it’s not finished, you’ll kill us all,” said one of the shareholders, but the Green Goblin just turned, a twisted grin barely visible underneath his mask, as he activated a remote, locking the door and causing metal ropes to burst out from the seats.

“No, I’ll kill you, every one of you,” said the Green Goblin sadistically, as he pressed another button the remote control. Seconds later, his Goblin Glider came right alongside the limo as he gained velocity, reaching the end of the ram. “I would explain my plan in detail, but there isn’t that much time, so let’s just say, there’s going to be a really big boom and there won’t be enough of you left for your families to recognize.”

The Green Goblin turned, without another word, opening the door and leaping right onto his goblin glider, before he pulled out a razor bat and removed the fuel cap. The fuel drained but the limo still had enough momentum. The Green Goblin rose up as the limo plunged off the side of the ramp right into the depths below. Several pumpkin bombs stashed in the engine and underneath the seats went off as the limo crashed, not that it was needed. Loud explosions echoed as the Green Goblin flew off, stopping only momentarily to watch the carnage. Five shareholders were killed, with more to come but he was saving the best and the biggest for last.

He threw another pumpkin bomb down towards the limo as an after thought. The explosion went off, destroying the limo, before he flew off into the sky, as police helicopters began to arrive. By the time they reached the ramp, the Green Goblin was already long gone.


Gwen and Peter walked down the hallways, the school day and the school year having ended. There was an entire summer ahead of them, but Peter doubted he would have to enjoy much of it. With the Green Goblin still out there, he would not be able to rest even one moment.

On another note, there was the strained friendship with Harry. Gwen and Peter had agreed to give him some space to cool off and Peter in particular wrestled with the thought of telling Harry his duel identity. Gwen had found out on her own, which had Peter regretted and relieved. Still, a secret identity was harder to keep when more people knew it and thus more people could blow the secret. The Fantastic Four never had such a problem, having gone public with their real names and their powers but Peter shuddered to think what would happen if someone had found out that he was Spider-Man. He just imagined if someone like Doom or Doctor Octopus or indeed the Green Goblin had found out, everyone he cared about would be in grave danger. It would be just like Uncle Ben all over again.

Gwen and Peter saw Harry walking off in a hurry, not even acknowledging anyone, much less his best friends. He threw open the doors, nearly knocking over everyone in his attempt to leave the school as quickly as possible.

“He has become his father,” muttered Peter.

“Just hopefully not too much,” said Gwen. “Or for too long either.”

“Yes, running a company like Oscorp, I can see why Norman Osborn was the way he is, at least to an extent,” said Peter but they stopped talking when Liz walked up, looking around, her expression brightening slightly when she saw Peter and Gwen filled with hope.

“Hey, have either of you two seen Harry?” asked Liz.

“You just missed him,” said Gwen calmly. “Judging by how quickly he’s going, he’s halfway to New Jersey by now.”

“I can’t believe, he’s avoiding me, I must have done something wrong,” said Liz.

“Why would you think that?” asked Peter.

“Well, after the dance, I thought we had something then…well all this stuff because of the accident and it’s like he’s a totally different person, but even then, I guess there is a reason why he’s like this,” said Liz as she looked at the two of them.

“I think you hit the nail on the head, Liz, it is Harry’s father,” responded Peter as he struggled to find the right words. “Now that he’s gone, Harry has the responsibilities that Norman Osborn had and now I don’t know if he can match up to them. Don’t take it personal, Liz.”

“Yeah he kind of went off on me and Pete, earlier,” said Gwen. “It’s a rough time, and Harry, I’m not sure how to say this, but he’s not really one who copes all that well with loss. Just don’t give up, Liz, I’m sure, you and Harry can work out, once things have calmed down.”

“I hope so,” said Liz as she turned away. “I’ll try and talk to him sometime, after things have had more of a chance to settle down.”

“That’s what we plan on doing as well,” said Gwen as Peter nodded right by her side.

“Right, well you two have a good summer, I guess,” said Liz as she turned.

“You too, Liz,” said Gwen.

“Right, same here,” said Peter as they watched Liz walk outside the door.

“Think we should have a talk with Harry?” asked Gwen.

“No, trust me, you were right the first time, don’t want to do that,” said Peter as he stepped outside. “Going to head home for something to eat and then, it’s back to business.”

The two walked for several more minutes, not even talking.

“Science camp in another few weeks,” said Gwen. “Are you going this year? I mean, you go every year with your uncle so it might be a bit awkward.”

“It’s been paid for before that night, we were planning on a trip but with everything that has happened, I’m not even sure if I want to go this year, I don’t feel right being miles away,” said Peter before he lowered his voice so only Gwen could hear him. “You know, with the Green Goblin on the loose and all that, it just doesn’t seem right. A month and I’m no closer to catching him than I was before.”

“That could be the problem Peter, you’re letting this consume you,” said Gwen lightly and Peter just looked at her. “The office building, I don’t even need to tell you that wasn’t your fault but…”

“Spider-Man could have stopped them had he been a bit quicker, it would have been worse of those children would have been killed,” said Peter as he looked at her. “There’s something about the Green Goblin, that’s more dangerous than any criminal Spider-Man has ever faced. Stronger, quicker, more dangerous, and with no conscience at all, nothing stopping him from killing anyone and everything Spider-Man does, he seems to be able to do better. Every time I close my eyes, I see that demonic goblin face and hear cries for help, his taunts. I won’t be able to sleep easy until he’s stopped.”

“I know,” said Gwen flatly, but she looked off in the distance. Peter had always been devoted with his mission, to make amends for the mistake he made the night that his uncle was killed but this took one step past devotion and moved right into the territory of obsession. “I support you Peter, but at the same time…”

Gwen trailed off, not wanting to voice what she was thinking.

“I knew this was a dangerous job when I took it Gwen,” said Peter. “The Green Goblin is far more dangerous than anyone but there has to be someway I can beat him.”

I have to beat him,” thought Peter. “No way around it.”


Wilson Fisk sat, the news getting to him about the three shareholders and one of his advisors looking at him a concerned look on his face.

“The Shareholder’s meeting is postponed but perhaps it would be a good idea to hold them off completely until this entire Goblin mess is dealt with,” said the advisor.

“If I laid down every time there was a threat to his life, I wouldn’t be where I am today,” said Fisk crisply as he sat down in an arm chair, hands folded over his lap as if he was not bothered. “Remember, the Green Goblin tried to kill me previously and I have no doubt at all that he’ll try again. But I’m ready for him this time.”

Fisk refused to elaborate on what he meant by ready. He had men at the ready to bring down the Green Goblin by any means necessary.

“Get my limo ready, I have an appointment to keep,” said Fisk as he stepped forward to walk out the door, ignoring the looks of disapproval that his advisors were giving him. “Only a fool would think that I would have taken every security precaution I can manage for this Green Goblin. I’ll be ready for him, if in fact he shows up.”

There was no arguing with a man like Wilson Fisk and Fisk walked out the door, nodding to a pair of strategically placed snipers. Any glider coming onto his property would be shot down on sight, no questions asked. His bodyguards walked on the side, as the limo was guarded, checked for bombs. The foolish stockholders earlier had neglected this important step but Wilson Fisk did not become the Kingpin of Crime without being covering every base necessary.


“Afternoon, Aunt May,” said Peter as he entered the house.

“Good afternoon Peter!” said Aunt May brightly, as she moved forward to greet her nephew but she looked to be a bit in a hurry. “I was just stepping out but don’t worry, sandwiches are in the refrigerator if you get hungry, dear.”

“Right, thanks Aunt May,” said Peter gratefully but his cell phone began to ring.

“Sounds like you might have to be heading out Peter,” said Aunt May eyes narrowed, wondering what that Jameson man wanted with her nephew right now, never doubting for one moment it was Peter’s boss, and Peter stepped to the side to answer the cell phone.

“Hello,” said Peter.

“Parker, terrible accident at the Liberty Ramp,” said Jameson over the phone.

“I thought that ramp wasn’t going to be completed yet,” said Peter.

“You thought right for once in your life Parker, but some nutcase trapped three Oscorp Shareholders inside a limo and drove it over the side of the unfinished ramp,” said Jameson without even taking a breath. “Its that Green Goblin nutcase in fact, I want you to over there proto to take photos right away, do you hear me Parker?”

“Yes, Mr. Jameson, loud and clear,” said Peter, not really hearing anything past the words “Green Goblin”. “I’ll be right over there as soon as I can.”

“Do me a favor and make it sooner, Parker,” responded Jameson, but Peter had already hung up the phone and moved to get out the door, stopping to pick up a sandwich for the road after a look from Aunt May.

Still it would not be Peter Parker who would be taking a closer look at the wreckage.


Spider-Man swung around the wreckage, which is combing with police and members of the press. He looked down, seeing the smoking wreckage that was once a limo. By now the occupants or rather whatever was left of them, should have been removed. Swinging down, but careful not to be seen, Spider-Man stepped forward, before he saw a charred pumpkin shell down low. Quickly while no one else was looking, he webbed down and looked at the pumpkin bomb, getting a good look at it for the first time.

Impressive,” thought Spider-Man as he managed to find traces of a chemical within the remains of the charred shell. Quickly he managed to slip the pumpkin shell into his bag, hopefully able to analyze it later. “The Goblin’s definitely been here, and he may have left me a clue, no other traces big enough, yet there’s every instance that the other pumpkin bombs completely blew up. A few small traces, but nothing obvious, this one didn’t go completely off. If I figure out what this chemical is, I’ll be one step closer to pinning down the Green Goblin…but I better get a few pictures. Peter Parker has to appease Jameson after all.”


Spider-Man swung through the sky, right towards Oscorp, after analyzing the explosive chemical found in the pumpkin bomb.

The compound is rare, only one place known to make it and that’s Oscorp,” thought Spider-Man. “The Goblin must work here and must be someone high up, because Norman wasn’t the time to give out any secrets. Don’t know if Harry would know anything, but it’s worth a shot, I just hope he’s in the mood to cooperate. Then again, he sort of looks to Spidey as a role model, so maybe he’ll say something, have to be careful not to reveal anything.”

Spider-Man saw Harry standing inside the office and quickly he swung inside the open window. Harry jumped up with a start.

“Spider-Man?” asked Harry in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

“Investigating a crime that may have ties to Oscorp itself,” said Spider-Man. “Perhaps you’ve heard of a criminal who calls himself the Green Goblin…”

“Yes, I have,” said Harry with a nod of his head. “That guy killed three shareholders just this morning, really doing me a favor, because I wasn’t really ready for this meeting, but…what does he have to do with Oscorp?”

“His pumpkin bombs are made with an explosive chemical compound made here at Oscorp,” said Spider-Man as Harry just dropped the stack of papers that he was holding.

“It was the Goblin,” said Harry trying to remain calm. “He killed him, he killed my father, I just know it.”

“I was under the impression that your father’s death was an accident,” said Spider-Man, careful to sound surprised that Harry thought it was a murder.

“That’s what the official word says, but this Green Goblin must have murdered him,” said Harry who looked completely flustered before he walked over. “If anyone knows as much as my father did about this company, it would be Donald Menken, he’s worked for my father for years and he knows about as much as my father would allow someone to know.”

“Take me to him,” said Spider-Man, wondering if this Menken character was Green Goblin material as he followed Harry, as he moved down a long corridor and Harry looked relieved when he saw Menken walking from an office in a hurry. Spider-Man scaled the walls, getting a better view on the ceiling, feeling that if Menken did not see him, perhaps he would be more forthcoming with any information.

Seems like your typical corporate toadie,” thought Spider-Man. “Can’t be the Goblin, than again, appearances are always deceiving.”

“Mr. Menken,” said Harry which caused the corporate executive to spin around.

“Yes, what is it?” asked Menken.

“Were there any thefts of dangerous chemicals that my father might have known of but I didn’t?” asked Harry and Menken thought for a moment.

“In fact yes, our most explosive chemical compound was stolen, the day before the unfortunate accident that claimed Mr. Osborn,” replied Menken swiftly. “Along with an experimental tech flight glider but the criminal left no evidence behind, I assure you that it was looked into carefully and I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“No this is disturbing, whoever is the Green Goblin was the one who stole these things,” said Harry and Menken looked taken completely aback. “Was there anything else that was stolen?”

“Nothing that I can recall being told about,” said Menken. “Research notes went missing as well but they could have been consumed in the same fire that got Mr. Osborn.”

This conversation was interrupted by a bald man in a suit coming down the hallway, with a package in his hand.

“This package arrived, it’s addressed to, Spider-Man believe it or not,” said the man and with that Spider-Man dropped down, taking the package, causing Menken and the man in the suit to be caught off guard.

“Thank you, I’ll take that if it’s mine,” said Spider-Man as he looked at the package, before he lifted the top. No spider sense was a good sign, as he opened the package.

The package sprung open, with a replica of the Green Goblin’s mask on a spring popping out, laughing madly at Spider-Man, as confetti flew everywhere.

“Greetings Spider-Man,” said a recording in the goblin mask. “By now, I’m sure you have found out my clue and I’m sure you’re guessing that the pumpkin bomb you found didn’t completely detonate was by my design. Trust me, nothing I do is an accident. If you want to face me, meet me outside of Central Park at six o’ clock this evening and we’ll settle this one masked man to another. If you’re one second late, the citizens will pay for your tardiness with their blood. I’ll see you tonight Spider-Man. Do have a last meal before we meet, wouldn’t want you to die on an empty stomach!”

The loud laughter of the Green Goblin echoed for about a minute before the recording in the mask added something.

“Oh and if I see one cop or any of your little super hero playmates and I detonate bombs that I’ve strategically had placed inside buildings all over the city,” said the recording before it completely went dead as Spider-Man left immediately, out the window. He would have to fight the Green Goblin on his own sick terms, with all too obvious notion nagging him in the back of his head that he was walking directly into a trap.


At the designated time, Spider-Man swung down right into Central Park, before he looked from side to side.

“GOBLIN!” called Spider-Man bracing himself for a fight, while keeping on alert. He knew his spider sense could go off and sure enough it did, as a pumpkin bomb went sailing through the air, right towards Spider-Man. Spider-Man somersaulted out of the way, as the explosion blew soil everywhere.

“Present!” sang the Green Goblin as he dove down towards Spider-Man, a metal blade sticking out from the front of the hang glider, but Spider-Man dodged the attempted impaling. Goblin circled around, throwing two pumpkin bombs to the ground, but Spider-Man dodged them.

“I’m going to bring you down to earth, Goblin!” shouted Spider-Man as two lines of webbing latched onto the glider but the Goblin accelerated lifting Spider-Man high into the air. Spider-Man struggled to hang on as the Goblin Glider gained more air and velocity. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

“I’d agree with that one,” said the Green Goblin, turning as he flung one of his razor bats. The weapon sliced right through Spider-Man’s enhanced webbing and caused him to spiral down to earth. It was only luckily that he shot some webbing around a tree branch, to brace his fall but a pumpkin bomb forced Spider-Man to abandon his perch. Goblin dove down right towards Spider-Man but Spider-Man leapt up once it reached the ground. “You’ve made a big mistake, Spider-Man, now that you’re on my turf.”

“Yeah, well you won’t dare use any of those weapons on me up here, I mean you wouldn’t want to ding your precious little toy,” said Spider-Man as he grabbed onto the Green Goblin’s arms but the Goblin shoved him off, nearly causing him to fall off the glider, but Spider-Man swung up, backing the Goblin off with a double kick to the chest but the Goblin responded by rattling Spider-Man with a punch. Another punch and Spider-Man was sent down, before Goblin rose up about as high as he could go, as Spider-Man struggled to get him away from the glider’s controls but his enemy’s strength overwhelmed him.

“No matter what, Spidey must go splat!” cackled the Goblin as he shot downwards, the Glider threatening to crash onto the ground.

“You’re go with me too, and you can’t be that suicidal!” shouted Spider-Man in a frantic voice, dodging an energy blast from the goblin gloves.

“Is that a risk you’re willing to take?” taunted the Green Goblin as they were mere seconds away from crashing. Spider-Man abandoned the Glider but the Goblin controlled in, pulling out of his dive at the last minute and turned slightly, before he recklessly threw a pumpkin bomb at Spider-Man. Spider-Man avoided the attack but two sonic toads were dropped to the ground. He had no time to shield his ears, as the blasts brought the toads brought him to his knees. He screamed in agony, as the Goblin dove down, before he raised his hand and knocked Spider-Man right on his back with a punch, before he reached down and grabbed Spider-Man, pulling him onto the Glider. “Now come on, Spidey, let Uncle Gobby take you for a ride!”

“Sorry, Gobs, but I don’t take rides from strangers,” gasped Spider-Man but despite his strength, he was unable to break the grip the Goblin had on him. “Or strange people period for that matter.”

“Oh but I do insist!” shouted the Goblin in a completely crazed voice, as he launched Spider-Man right through the glass window of a factory. The web slinger tried to brace himself, if that was possible, as glass shattered and he fell, landing on a stack of crates.

At least I’m still alive, even though that might not be such a good thing right now,” thought Spider-Man groggily as he saw the Green Goblin sail in on his glider and swoop down towards him.

“Face it Spider-Man, I’m your superior in every way,” said the Green Goblin as he lifted Spider-Man up the air and threw him to the side like he was a piece of garbage, before the wall crawler had a chance to ensnare him with his webbing. Goblin dove right towards Spider-Man, reaching down. Spider-Man was barely able to move, as the Goblin spun around, before Spider-Man was slammed right into the wall hard. “The legacy of Spider-Man ends today and the age of the Green Goblin begins right now!”

Green Goblin smashed a fist right into Spider-Man’s face. Several more punches, as Spider-Man attempted to fight back, each punch feeling like a cinderblock being smashed into his face. Spider-Man crumpled, in an attempt to use his webbing but the Goblin hoisted him up into the air, before he threw him down. Spider-Man landed on a stack of crates, shattering them from the impact, before the Green Goblin flew, right about Spider-Man and reached forward. Spider-Man could not even move, to defend himself.

The Green Goblin ripped off Spider-Man’s mask to reveal the bloodied and bruised face of one Peter Parker. For a few seconds, the Green Goblin paused, eyes widening beneath his mask, before he turned, holding up the bloodied Spider-Man mask as a symbol of his victory and he flew out the window, throwing several pumpkin bombs, exploding and weakening the support beams.

Peter laid de-masked and barely able to move. It hurt to breath. It hurt to blink. Yet, he tried to summon the will power to move, otherwise this entire building was going to collapse on him.

The Green Goblin crashed through the window, as the factory had mostly collapsed.

“There’s no way he should have survived that,” said the Green Goblin but he held a remote control device in his hand. “But why take any chances?”

A press of the button, activated more pumpkin bombs. The factory collapsed even more, the explosions causing massive burning. The Green Goblin turned, to the crowd of shocked bystanders.

“Let it be known that Spider-Man met his downfall today at the hands of the Green Goblin!” shouted the Goblin gleefully, holding up the bloodied mask for all to see before he zoomed off on the glider. He had one person on the top of his list eliminated; now there was only one more and his plans could be put into their final stage.


“Reports are coming in that a battle between Spider-Man and the criminal calling himself the Green Goblin may have taken a turn for the fatal,” said a news anchor over the radio as Gwen stopped what she was doing. Her father was out late again, this entire Goblin case had him working more time than he’s worked in years. Still her full attention was turned towards the news, she didn’t need Peter’s spider sense to guess something bad had happened. “The Green Goblin emerged from an abandoned factory just across the street from Central Park, where he reportedly had a battle with Spider-Man. He detonated bombs within the factory, blowing up the factor. The wreckage and the smoldering heat is too much and rescue units are trying to get inside, but it is feared that Spider-Man has met his demise. ”

No,” thought Gwen in horror, her worst fear coming true. She could not even say any work and she trembled, as she heard news of the Green Goblin emerging from the factory with the blood soaked masked of Spider-Man. “No…this can’t be…no…Peter…what do I…I can’t believe this…no…no…they have to be mistaken…he can’t…”

She put her hand up to her head and turned to switch on the television. The news showed images of the battle. Gwen put her hand to her mouth as she watched the image of the Green Goblin hurling Spider-Man right through the window and then seconds later, the factory blowing sky high, with Spider-Man trapped inside. She looked, almost numb, wondering how she was gong to explain this to Peter’s aunt when suddenly her cell phone rang, which caused her to jump about three feet in the air before she answered it, with trembling hands and voice.

“Hello,” said Gwen in a shaken voice.

“Gwen,” rasped the voice of Peter on the other side.

“PETER!” shouted Gwen in absolute surprise and relief. “The news is saying that you were killed by the Green Goblin.”

“Got out just in time, need you Gwen, please,” said Peter in a pained voice over the phone. “I’ve made it to side street right behind the factory…not far…from…go to the end…turn right…hurry…need you…”

“Peter, I’ll call for the hospital, you sound seriously hurt,” said Gwen her voice trembling.

“NO!” shouted Peter in frantic voice but he suddenly hacked. Gwen nearly dropped the phone from trembling hands. “You…just you…explain when you get there…please Gwen.”

Gwen sighed, there was no way she could argue with someone that stubborn and she took a deep breath to calm herself.

“I’ll be there right away Peter, don’t die, please don’t, hang on” muttered Gwen it took all she had to hold herself to together, as she walked outside. Having just gotten her driver’s license just a couple of weeks ago, it would be much easier to find out where Peter.


Peter laid in the alleyway, behind a dumpster, with a trash can obscuring him from the outside, the sirens of rescue vehicles in the distance. His entire body was racked with pain but the one thing that was crushed more than several of his bones was his spirit. He just survived by the skin of his teeth. Had he been one second slower in getting out, he would have been blown to bits. The Green Goblin trashed him easily, without breaking a sweat and ripped off his mask like it was nothing, before leaving him for dead. There was no way around it, he had failed to win.

As he listened for Gwen, his only salvation, the only person he could trust right now to get him safely to where he needed to go. His arm barely moved, there were bits of glass on his costume. Peter waited, wondering if he was going to die right here in the alleyway waiting for his girlfriend to arrive. His pained breathing signaled rib injuries.

“Peter?” asked a quiet voice tentatively.

“Gwen,” said Peter as loudly as he could manage, as he felt blood drip from his mouth and he managed to pull himself enough, where Gwen could see him. Gwen rushed over, kneeling down, trying to struggle to find the right words. “Please help me…I can barely move.”

“I’m here for you,” said Gwen as she reached out, grabbing Peter’s hands, pulling him up, walking towards the car. Peter’s legs dragged underneath him as she struggled to hold him but somehow she found the strength to continue, as she opened the back seat. Peter managed to climb in immediately, before Gwen walked over to the driver’s side.

“Get me out of here before someone finds out,” mumbled Peter weakly.

“We’ve got to really got to a hospital Peter,” said Gwen firmly trying to reason with him.

“NO!” shouted Peter but he recoiled, the strain of yelling was a bit too much for him to bare. “We can’t if that happens…then the Goblin will know that I survived and he might finish me off.”

“Yes, but damn it Peter, I don’t know what to do,” said Gwen in an exasperated tone of voice. “This isn’t something that I can drive you to my house and patch you up with a first aid kit. You can barely stand, you need serious medical attention. I’m not going to lose you.”

“Baxter Building,” muttered Peter suddenly.

“Excuse me?” asked Gwen not quite sure if she understood Peter.

“Baxter Building, Reed Richards, he owes me a favor, in fact he owes me his life kind of,” said Peter.

“And why would Reed Richards owe you his life?” asked Gwen eyes narrowed, even if Peter did not see him. She had managed to get out of Peter that he was with the Fantastic Four on that one night but she never really got too many details other than that out of him.

“Saved him from Doom,” murmured Peter weakly and Gwen nearly stopped the car, it struck her exactly where Peter was that one night until one in the morning. He was fighting Doom, Doctor Doom, alongside the Fantastic Four, but this was not the time nor the place and she had a mission to do. The city counted on Spider-Man to save them and now it was up to her to get Peter the help he needed in time.

“Just hang on Peter,” said Gwen, unable to say much more than that. She was determined, if the situation was reversed, Peter would do everything in his power to save her, even if he had to go straight through hell. “Everything’s going to be alright, just hang on.”

“Thanks, Gwen, love you,” murmured Peter it was a struggle to speak right now.

“I love you too, Peter Parker,” replied Gwen but she kept focused on the task at hand.


“I don’t believe this, the story of the century, and there’s no photographer to cover it,” said Jameson in his usual loud tone of voice. “WHERE IS PARKER?”

“I’m checking around, Jonah,” said Robbie as he moved over to the phone. “Mrs. Parker…Daily Bugle speaking…your nephew is he home? No, he hasn’t arrived. Yes, I’ll be sure to call you if he shows up, tell me that Mr. Jameson wants to speak to him, yes I know but he’s a hard man to say no too.”

“Wasn’t home, what does that punk have better to do?” bellowed Jameson loudly. “The demise of Spider-Man and there’s no pictures to go along with it, it’s an outrage I tell you.”

“Maybe, Peter was caught in the blast, Mr. Jameson,” said Betty seriously and the members of the Bugle staff looked horrified at that possibility, even if it was false horror in one notable case.

“Possible but I won’t believe anything until I have proof,” said Jameson but he tried not too look too shaken. He had a reputation to maintain and he could not have people thinking that he was actually becoming a bit fond of the boy.

“Then maybe we shouldn’t be reporting on Spider-Man’s death without there being a body,” argued Robbie.

“All the other news outlets are jumping on the web head’s death, I have to report something, otherwise I’ll look like the laughing stock of the news media,” said Jameson without taking a breath. “Keep your eyes peeled for anything and when something new breaks, I want it all covered. Brock, you have another chance to redeem yourself, if Parker doesn’t turn up or…if something has happened to him, it will be up to you to come up with pictures.”

“Right JJ, I won’t let you down,” said Brock in a delighted voice. A small part of him had hoped that both Peter Parker and Spider-Man had met a grisly fate, they had both caused him headaches in recent months and cost him more money.

“Better not, Brock, I don’t think I even have to tell you what happens if you do,” said Jameson as he looked at the staff. “Well, why are you all standing around for? Everyone move it, get ready for the news as it comes in.”

Jameson turned, walking off. He thought he would be more pleased with Spider-Man’s demise but Robbie did bring up a good point. He would not be dancing in the streets without the web head’s corpse and until they could get through the debris, it might be a bit of time before they could verify anything.


Gwen drove up towards the Baxter Building, hoping that the Four were in fact there. She looked around, before she honked the horn of the car. She heard Peter give a wince of pain in the back seat of the car, as she got out, before she came face to face with Johnny Storm, the young hero also known as the Human Torch.

“Hello,” said the Torch brightly as he got a good look at Gwen. “Please tell me you’re here to see me.”

“I’m here to see Reed Richards, it’s kind of an emergency,” said Gwen, ignoring the Torch’s blatant and poor attempt in hitting on her, side stepping him, as she looked inside. “He’s here, isn’t he?”

“Yes, but why would you want to see him?” asked the Torch.

“My boyfriend has been hurt badly and he told me to bring him here,” said Gwen and the Human Torch looked confused for a brief second.

“Maybe it’s just me, but I would have thought that the first place someone who was injured would want to go would be a hospital,” said the Human Torch with a look of complete bewilderment.

“Johnny, I hope you’re not trying to pester this poor young lady,” said the Invisible Woman as she walked outside before he stopped when she caught sight at the body in the back seat and eyes widened “Spider-Man?”

“Spider-Man, no way, I thought he was dead, you know it’s all over the news, he got killed by the Green Gremlin or whatever they’re calling that guy,” said the Human Torch as he looked at him, trying to get a good look at Spider-Man’s face, but the Invisible Woman put up a force field. “Ah come on Sue, I just want to take a peak”

“No, there’s a reason why he normally wears a mask and if he wants to tell you who he is, it’s his choice,” said the Invisible Woman as she turned to Gwen. “Now you wanted to see my husband…”

“Yes, Spider-Man seems to think that he can help and he does owe him for something involving Doom, that we’re going to have to have a long talk about later,” said Gwen and the Invisible Woman, nodded, before she put a stasis field and lifted Peter out of the back of the car, able to shield his face from detection, not that he needed much cover due to the fact he was bloodied and bruised.

“This should get him to my husband’s lab right away, where the specialized equipment should be able to help,” said the Invisible Woman, as Gwen nodded, before she followed the two heroes inside of the Baxter Building. The state Peter looked in would be in her nightmares for some time to come but she resolved to remain strong.


The news of Spider-Man had spread even more and the Green Goblin was gleeful when he heard of the terror that he had spread. No matter if it was his intention or not, Spider-Man was a figure that many looked up to, larger than life. It was beyond their grasp to be like him, he was untouchable, a hero, someone who could save them all. However, the Goblin had removed that security blanket, and Spider-Man was proved to be someone who could not even save himself. Spider-Man met his demise and as he looked at the bloody tattered mask in his hand, the Goblin sneered when he recalled the person who was underneath the mask. It was such a waste, a bright young mind like that to swing around town in a hallway costume but it was necessary for Spider-Man to meet his demise, as any other hero who decided to foolishly step in his way.

The Green Goblin dove down, letting a crowd get a glimpse of him, holding up the bloodied Spider-Man masked as children screened in terror before he shot off into the distance. The next phase of his plan would be completed tomorrow.


“It’s not as bad as you would think,” said Mr. Fantastic as his computers had just finished scanning the battered Spider-Man, after being administered a sedative to ease his pain. “He was correct to think he could come here, given the situation, it could have been worse.”

“Could have been worse?” asked the Thing. “Guy took a clobbering, if you ask me the fact he’s alive is a miracle.”

“Yes, maybe, if he was caught in the explosion, but he got out in time, any more damage, and there would be no choice, he would have to go to the hospital,” said Mr. Fantastic. “Slight concussion is the worst of it, some minor trauma but something that would easily be healable with our advanced equipment here at the Baxter Building. The broken bones and the mild burns and bruising go without staying. He’ll have to stay for another day for observation but I’m sure Spider-Man will make.”

“So he’s going to be just fine,” said Gwen.

“Physically, yes,” inputted the Invisible Woman. “Mentally…well I think that might be another matter entirely.”

“His obsession with the Green Goblin, I was afraid something like this might happen,” said Gwen.

“It’s a risk we take each and every day,” said The Invisible Woman. “But it doesn’t get any easier.”

“No,” agreed Gwen as she watched Mr. Fantastic set up the equipment to work on Peter before she turned to the Invisible Woman. “Do you…”

“Worry about Reed?” asked the Invisible Woman. “Yes, all the time and believe me there are times where I feel helpless, but at least I have powers. In a way I think that’s what makes someone like you stronger. You don’t have super powers, but yet he relied on you to save him and you got to him in time.”

“I would feel better once he’s out of the woods,” said Gwen.

“He will be, in time, now go home and get some rest, we’ll do everything we can to make him recover as quickly as possible,” said the Invisible Woman and Gwen paused, looking reluctant to leave. “You should be able to visit him first thing in the morning.”

Gwen gave a short nod before she walked off, legs feeling like jelly and she imagined Peter’s face, pained and in agony. She wished she could do more but it was great that he had people he could rely on.


“So nothing from Peter,” said Harry the next morning.

“No Harry,” said Gwen flatly over the phone.

“He takes pictures of Spider-Man and you know what they’re saying on the news,” said Harry.

“That Spider-Man was killed by the Green Goblin, I know but there’s been no bodies pulled out of the wreckage yet or any remains found,” said Gwen as she sounded worried enough but because of Peter’s current physical and perhaps mental state.

“No, but my dad’s body was never found, the explosion could have vaporized his body,” said Harry.

“Wasn’t it more of an implosion than an explosion that got your father?” asked Gwen.

“Maybe, but the point is that Peter could have suffered the same way,” said Harry. “Man, I really feel bad now…the last time we talked, I really went to town on him, over something that really wasn’t his fault, it’s just I’ve been under a lot of stress.”

“I’m sure Peter understands that,” said Gwen. “He wanted to talk to you after words but figured you needed a little space.”

A knock on the door caused the conversation to be stopped.

“Call you back Gwen, someone’s at the door,” said Harry. “Bye.”

“Bye,” said Gwen quickly as Harry hung up the phone, before he walked forward and opened the door, where Captain George Stacy stood on the outside, with several police officers.

“Captain Stacy, what can I do for you?” asked Harry in surprise.

“No delicate way to put this, but we managed to get a good look at the glider that the Green Goblin was using and it was registered Oscorp property,” said Captain Stacy in an even voice.

“A glider was stolen not too long ago, in fact right before my father’s death,” said Harry.

“Look, there was no police report filed, I’m just following procedure,” said Captain Stacy. “The fact remains that the only people who could have gotten clearance had the surname Osborn.”

“You can’t be serious, you mean to say that you’re accusing me of being the Green Goblin?” asked Harry.

“No one is accusing anyone of anything, we just want you to go down town and ask a few questions, verify your whereabouts at several times,” said Captain Stacy. “Come quietly and…”

“There is no need for any verifying because that whelp cannot be the Green Goblin!” cackled the Green Goblin as he flew outside of the window and threw a pumpkin bomb inside. The Goblin laughed as he held up another pumpkin bomb. “Really you thought that little punk, was the Green Goblin? Seriously, Captain, that insults me to the point of revulsion.”

The Goblin tossed his bomb right towards the ground.

“Everyone scatter!” ordered Captain Stacy as the police, along with Harry, dove behind the sofa, just in the nick of time as the bomb exploded. The Green Goblin cackled, as the police rose up. “Hold your fire.”

“Wise move, it wouldn’t work on me anyway,” said the Green Goblin coldly. “Let it be known that Spider-Man has been exterminated like the pest he is and now I right another wrong. Anyone who gets in my way will be annihilated.”

The Green Goblin flipped a sonic toad on the ground and sound waves from the weapon stunned the police force, as the Goblin burst out the window, cackling like a mad man. He had delivered his warning, now it was on to fry the biggest fish in the criminal pond.


“Hello Gwen,” muttered Peter groggily as he focused his eyes towards his girlfriend, who rushed over, giving him a light hug before she kissed him in relief. The mild pain he suffered was all too worth it.

“I see you’re a bit better,” said Gwen.

“On the mend, I guess,” replied Peter as the rest of the Fantastic Four were off, although Reed said he would return in a while.

“I thought I lost you for a minute,” said Gwen quietly as she relieved her grip slightly.

“You weren’t the only one, there was a time where I was about to give up but I had to keep fighting and I got out,” said Peter as Gwen sat down in the chair beside the bed. “If it wasn’t for you showing up when you did and getting me here we might not be here having this conversation.”

“I think Dr. Richards is to thank about as much as I am,” said Gwen with a smile.

“Dr. Richards wasn’t the one who inspired me to keep fighting unbearable pain,” responded Peter. “You truly are amazing, Gwen Stacy, don’t let anyone tell you differently.”

“Nice to see that you’re your usual sappy self, Pete,” said Gwen but she gave him a warm smile.

“And I mean everything I said in that pained, delirious state,” said Peter. “A sentiment that is cheapened with each passing week by others but…”

“We’re not others Peter, we’re us, whatever we are, whether it’s for better or for worse, that’s a matter of opinion,” said Gwen as she looked at Peter but her relieved expression slowly gave way to something more apprehensive. “And the world does believe that Spider-Man is dead.”

“The world does believe that, but the Green Goblin knows that Spider-Man and Peter Parker are one and the same,” said Peter and Gwen opened her mouth, but he weakly raised his hand. “He seemed to know me, whoever is under the mask is someone that Peter Parker has met before.”

“You’re sure?” asked Gwen.

“Positive Gwen, I’ve only been surer about one other thing before,” said Peter. “And that’s how I feel about you.”

“What are you going to do?” wondered Gwen.

“What can I do?” responded Peter weakly shrugging his shoulders, but there was no other alternative. “The same thing Spider-Man always does when he gets knocked down for the count. He brushes himself back up and goes after the villain again, only this time the stakes are going to be higher. He knows who I am and a demented unhinged lunatic like the Goblin won’t hesitate to put the people I care about in jeopardy. He has to be brought to justice.”

“Anything you do, won’t erase the fact he knows,” said Gwen, eyes widened slightly at the implications. Peter mentioned that he feared that someday the wrong person would learn his identity and now I has come true.

“You’re worried that I might do something I’ll regret,” said Peter.

“I know you too well to worry about something like that,” countered Gwen. “The only thing I’m worried about is the fact that this obsession with stopping the Green Goblin might kill you and if I lose you, I don’t know what I would do.”

“I don’t want to lie to you and say that everything’s going to be alright,” said Peter as he gripped her hands tighter and looked right into her eyes. “Because we’re both too smart to believe that would be the case but as long as he’s out there, there’s only one thing I can do. I can’t change the fact, because that’s who I am.”

And no matter how much I worry about his safety, anything less than that would be opposite of the reason I love him,” thought Gwen in despair.

“Do you have faith that Spider-Man can triumph over all?” asked Peter.

“I have faith in Peter Parker,” replied Gwen firmly, with full conviction.


Outside of the Wilson Fisk estate, two of the snipers looked up, hearing a loud whirling sound from above, before a glider flew onto the property. One of the snipers took a shot but the pilot of the glider dodged the gunfire, before he threw a pumpkin bomb down. The Green Goblin laughed with mirth as the platform where the sniper stood blew to bits, causing him to fall to his doom. The second sniper was disarmed by a razor bat, before the Green Goblin threw a pumpkin bomb, catching him point blank in the chest and knocking him down. The guards attempted to shoot from below but a sonic toad had caused them to be put off balance.

“Really Fisk, surely with all your dirty money, you could afford a better security system,” said the Goblin with a shake of his head, as he raised a hand. An energy blast from his hand fried the security system, as he crashed right through the window. Two more bodyguards leapt up in a futile attempt to attack the Green Goblin, but the Goblin made sure work of them before he came face to face with Wilson Fisk, who reached over the table, but the Green Goblin flew right towards him, with the blade at the end of the glider right underneath his throat. “I wouldn’t move, Fisk, one wrong move and your throat gets sliced open.”

“What do you want from me?” asked Fisk.

“Everything, Kingpin,” said the Green Goblin.

“That name holds no meaning to me,” said Fisk dryly.

“Please, let us not play dumb,” said the Goblin as he casually threw a razor bat, impaling another bodyguard that tried to get the drop on him. “I want to make a deal with you.”

“Just who are you anyway?” demanded Fisk.

“Someone whose life you ruined when you took everything away from him,” said the Green Goblin but Fisk had a look of confusion on his face. “You’re right, that doesn’t narrow it down at all but the fact of the matter is this, I want everything you own. All your businesses, legitimate or otherwise, along with every dime you have to your name. Sign it over to the Green Goblin.”

“And what if I refuse?” asked Fisk, remaining cool.

“Other than the obvious perk of remaining alive?” asked the Green Goblin and Fisk nodded trying not to look intimidated, but the large man had never been closer to the point of terror in his life. “I have bombs planted in areas all over New York City. There wouldn’t be enough time to disarm them all, not that I would let you even get close enough. If everything is not signed over to me, by seven this evening, I’ll wipe out everything.”

“You’re bluffing,” said Fisk.

“Is that a risk you’re willing to take?” mocked the Green Goblin. “Everything by seven, bring it to the front lobby of Oscorp.”

“Why there?” asked Fisk.

“If I wanted you to know that, I’d have to kill you first,” said the Green Goblin. “And any tricks and my finger will slip, blowing everything to kingdom come.”

The Green Goblin flew out, as Wilson Fisk turned. Any other fool would just leave the city immediately, but the destruction would cost Fisk billions, something that he could not afford.

Still he did not become the Kingpin for nothing. He planned to think of something and the Green Goblin would rue the day he ever decided to put on that costume.


“The Green Goblin’s out there, he’s threatened to blow up the city,” said Peter frantically as he frantically stitched together a Spider-Man mask as quickly as possible, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Besides, Dr. Richards said I was fine, the equipment here did the work, mostly, other than some aches and pains here and there, and there are a couple of ribs that will have to heal naturally but I’m fine.”

“I heard what he said but he strongly advised not going against the Green Goblin or any other criminals for that matter unless you had a bit more time to rest,” said Gwen sitting right beside Peter. “You might be well enough to walk out of here without any problems but against the Green Goblin, you do remember what happened last time you fought him?”

“Vividly,” said Peter in a dry voice. “Now hand me that red thread, I’m almost finished.”

“I should string you up by this for having such a blatant disregard for your own health, Peter Benjamin Parker,” said Gwen but she did as she was asked.

“It’s not as if I’m doing it for myself, the millions that the Green Goblin will kill and believe me, he will kill them,” said Peter as he put the finishing touches on the new Spider-Man mask. “He’s a lunatic, he’s completely out of his mind but somehow the most brilliant enemy I’ve ever fought. He’s obsessed, Gwen.”

“Kind of reminds me of someone I know,” muttered Gwen.

“Don’t compare me to him,” said Peter a bit more roughly then he wanted to, as he slipped the mask on slightly taking a deep breath to calm himself. “Even if Fisk does agree to his ransom, what’s to stop the Green Goblin from blowing the city to bits anyway. Millions will die, including you and that’s not something that I want on my conscience.”

“If there was some other way, I would encourage you to take it, but I know there isn’t,” said Gwen as she wrapped her arms around Peter, as the mask covered all but his mouth, which was not uncovered for long. The kiss lingered for as long as necessary, before the two slowly broke apart. When they did, Gwen pulled the mask down the rest of the way.

“Well, no use waiting around,” said Peter as he took a step, trying to hide the grimace of pain from Gwen, who frowned, not fooled even one bit. He walked forward, turning to the nearest window and gave Gwen an apologetic look before Spider-Man swung out, wondering if he had made the biggest mistake of his life in an attempt to go back into battle this soon.


The Green Goblin sat perched at the edge of town, remote control device in hand. Fisk had just a little under forty minutes to sign everything over or the Goblin would make good on his promises. He sat, watching, but his eyes caught a very familiar figure swinging in the distance.

“Intriguing,” said The Green Goblin to himself but really he was pleased in his own way. “I had assumed Spider-Man met his final demise but I guess he managed to cheat death. Not for long though.”

The Green Goblin climbed onto his glider, before he blasted forward. He saw Spider-Man swinging on the other side, before he carefully aimed a razor bat. He would cut Spider-Man out of the sky and bring him to his doom.

Spider-Man swung, spider sense tingled and he quickly leapt down, the line of webbing that he was just on sliced before he shot more webbing and swung up, right towards the glider with the Green Goblin on it who took careful aim with the pumpkin bomb and threw it, but Spider-Man dodged the attack, before he sprung up and punched the Green Goblin right in the face with all of his might. The Goblin was only staggered, before he rushed forward, as Spider-Man was on the glider. Spider-Man just narrowly dodged an attack from the Goblin as the Glider began to spin slightly out of control.

“You’re supposed to be dead!” shouted the Green Goblin as he swung a punch but Spider-Man just barely had time to block it. Another punch found his ribs and dropped him down. Spider-Man webbed the feet of the Green Goblin together, before he pulled with all of his mind. The Goblin was hanging upside down from his own Glider, but not for long, as he used one of his own razor bats to cut himself free and he landed right on a rooftop

“Sorry to disappoint you Gobby, but I’m not going down that easily,” said Spider-Man as he braced himself. “Not without a fight anyway.”

Spider-Man dropped down, wincing as he stressed a still sore joint in one of his legs. The Green Goblin was on the attack with a pumpkin bomb, but Spider-Man managed to avoid the attack. The bomb blew the sidewalk up, sending bits of gravel flying upwards.

“Bit slow in your step, aren’t we, Spider-Man?” taunted the Green Goblin as he had a pumpkin bomb in each hand and flung them. Spider-Man wrapped his webbing around them and managed to launch them up into the air, out of sight before they detonated. Goblin threw a razor bat, which nearly sliced Spider-Man’s arm. “One would think you aren’t feeling too good.”

Spider-Man leapt at the Green Goblin but the Goblin casually threw him off, causing him to land right at the edge of the roof. Goblin leapt forward and a kick caused Spider-Man to hang from his hands over the roof.

“Well don’t worry, Uncle Gobby will administer a sedative,” said the Green Goblin as he stomped the fingers of Spider-Man’s right hand before he just viciously kicked him right in the ribs, causing him great pain, blues, and agony but he somehow through the sheer force of will pulled himself up.“The last sedative you’ll ever need!”

Another stomp, this time of the left hand and Spider-Man gave a pained grunt, as he was knocked off the building. He would not be surprised if all ten of his fingers had been broken from the viciousness of the Goblin’s stomps but he managed to summon the fortitude to shoot a line of webbing around a clothesline wire.

“I’m still breathing, Goblin,” taunted Spider-Man as he pulled himself to go face to the face wth the Goblin.

“I do apologize, I’m going to have to remedy that bit soon,” said the Green Goblin as he leapt down but Spider-Man moved at the last minute. The Green Goblin nearly smashed against the wall but he adjusted his position, before he landed right to the ground gracefully on his feet and reached into his bag of tricks, but found nothing.

“What’s the matter, Goblin, out of ammo?” taunted Spider-Man as he rushed forward, but the Green Goblin hoisted him up and flipped him over, causing him to land right against a trash can. Two punches rattled Spider-Man and put him on dream street.

“Guess I’m going to do this the old fashion way,” said the Green Goblin as he picked up a pipe and swung it. He came preciously inches from caving Spider-Man’s head in but the wall crawler blocked it with all of his might. He pushed up to his feet, before he kicked the Green Goblin right in the shin. He barely felt it, but Spider-Man shoved him off, before he staggered back and wrapped his webbing around the pipe, pulling it from the Green Goblin’s grasp. Spider-Man rushed forward and punched the Goblin with all of his might.

“It ends now Goblin,” said Spider-Man but Goblin had remotely recalled his Goblin Glider.

“On the contrary, Spider-Man, I’m just getting warmed up,” said the Green Goblin, gleeful with the fact that he was rearmed and he threw three pumpkin bombs down towards Spider-Man in quick succession but Spider-Man dodged. He collapsed against the wall, out of breath and nearly got blitzed by a fourth pumpkin bomb. “You don’t have anything left, better put you out of my misery.”

“Still standing, Gobby,” managed Spider-Man as he shot two thick lines of webbing right towards the Green Goblin but the Goblin gave a swift pull with his arms, pulling Spider-Man up so they were face to face.

“Say good night, Parker,” declared the Green Goblin in the most sadistic voice he could manage, but Spider-Man kicked off, before he swung around, kicking the back of the glider, knocking the Green Goblin right into the city.

“So you do know who I am,” muttered Spider-Man as the Green Goblin turned forward, before he held up the remote control device, taunting Spider-Man with it. He had to get it away from the Goblin somehow, before he did something insane.

“I would love to chat, Spider-Man, but I have an appointment to keep,” said the Green Goblin as he held two pumpkin bombs, dangling them, before he threw them right towards an obviously occupied building with no remorse.

“Not this time, Goblin!” yelled Spider-Man as he threw himself down, it would be close but he would be damned if he would let more innocent people get caught in the wayside. The pumpkin bombs dropped to the ground and Spider-Man waited for the explosion but none came as the Green Goblin’s laughter taunted him.

Duds,” thought Spider-Man desperately before it struck him. “That wasn’t an accident either, he knew I would try to go after them, after what happened last time, everything he does is sadistically planned to the last intricate detail. This time, I’m going to get him, I can see him, just barely but I better get swinging, that Glider can get some good distance.”


Wilson Fisk sat as Harry Osborn was right beside him. Hidden in the bushes and behind a brick wall was a number of armed men, ready to take the Green Goblin out.

“Are you sure this will work?” asked Harry in a skeptical voice.

“I’m sure you want to see who has been stealing the technology from what is now your company, Harry,” said Fisk smoothly and the young Osborn just nodded, before he looked into the sky, as Fisk held the briefcase. He hoped it would fool the Goblin long enough to shoot him out of the sky and unmask him. “Right on schedule, five minutes until deadline.”

“Naturally I’m on schedule,” said the Green Goblin as he dropped down, before he held up two sonic toads and flung them into the bushes. There were screams as the armed men exited, before three more came behind the wall and the Green Goblin flung two pumpkin bombs right towards them before they could shoot. They screamed as the Goblin watched the shower of blood in the air with a sadistic look on his face. “Now, Wilson, that wasn’t very nice of you, trying to kill me. Well, a deal’s a deal, say farewell to the city and everyone in it.”

The Green Goblin prepared to do the deed taking a few minutes to watch the Kingpin sweat, but a line of webbing shout out and pulled the remote control device out of his hand. The remote was in the hands of Spider-Man as the Green Goblin turned around before a look of utter rage appeared underneath his mask and his blood began boiling in fury when it registered with him what had just happened.

“YOU!” shouted the Green Goblin before he raised his hands and green blasts shot down but Spider-Man dodged them and the Green Goblin dove down, in an attempt to reclaim his remote control device but Spider-Man shot a line of webbing right onto the side of the building, pulling himself up and swinging to the side.

“Catch me if you can, Gobby!” shouted Spider-Man as he swung around in an attempt to evade the Goblin. “Come on, follow me, if you think you can get to me in time before I disable your little toy.”

“I’ll take that challenge!” shouted the Green Goblin as he dove forward, slicing the blade at the end of his glider right through the webbing, as Spider-Man was sent spiraling right towards the ground but at the last minute, he hooked onto the bottom of the glider. He still held the remote control device as the Green Goblin threw a pumpkin bomb right down towards him but Spider-Man swung around, as the weapon blew up an unoccupied car, as the Green Goblin bent down, hacking away at the webbing with one of his razor bats, but Spider-Man leapt off quickly, the remote control device in hand but the Goblin continued to dive right towards his enemy. “I’ll take that!”

The Green Goblin grabbed the remote control device, but Spider-Man had mounted the Glider with the battle going on high above, as Fisk and Harry watched.

“Should we help them?” asked Harry.

“Not unless it’s needed,” said Fisk, who would sooner just have Spider-Man and the Goblin wipe each other out. It would save him all kinds of headaches.

The Green Goblin went for a punch, but Spider-Man ducked and he smashed the control console on the Glider, causing it to spin out of control. The Green Goblin grabbed Spider-Man, one hand around his throat, squeezing with all of his strength, as he held the remote control device in the other hand, waving in Spider-Man’s face, taunting him.

“Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but…” stated Spider-Man but the Goblin taunted his grip, before he realized the Glider was dangerously close to crashing into the ground.

“See you on the other side, Spider-Man,” said the Green Goblin as he leapt off at the last possible second, but Spider-Man also made his movement. He dove right behind a dumpster, as the glider landed right on the street, detonating several pumpkin bombs on it. The explosions went off, filling the city with green smoke but it was obvious the Goblin had grabbed a few in the chaos, as one was flung right towards the web slinger. He dodged the attack, as a hole was blown right in the street. Spider-Man sprung up and managed to pull the other pumpkin bombs from the Goblin’s grasp, but with expert agility and quickness, the Green Goblin was already out of reach, even without his Glider. Spider-Man moved forward but the Goblin held up the remote control device. “One more step Spider-Man and the entire city goes up.”

“You’re completely insane!” shouted Spider-Man and the Goblin nodded in stoic agreement. “You’re blown yourself up as well.”

“Well at least I’ve got the satisfaction of knowing that I took you and the rest of the people who tried to ruin my life along with me!” cried the Goblin, but Spider-Man moved forward, to do the one thing the Goblin would not expect. He took several steps backwards. “That’s right, Spider-Man, I hold all the cards now, including the one’s for your demise. You know what, I’m just going to push the button after all.”

Spider-Man leapt forward, shooting the web lines right at the Green Goblin, wrapping both of them around the Goblin’s right hand and tugged. The remote control device flew out of his hands and Spider-Man quickly caught it before he dropped it down a sewer grate. The Green Goblin’s eyes widened, before he blasted Spider-Man right in the chest point blank. Spider-Man was lifted off the ground and landed with a thud. The Green Goblin pulled Spider-Man up and threw him down to the ground. The Goblin rushed forward and grabbed Spider-Man once again, before he was flipped over onto his back. Without another word, the Green Goblin stood on Spider-Man’s chest, exerting an insane amount of pressure. Spider-Man struggled with all of his might, as Goblin continued to put the pressure on, grinding the soles of his feet right in Spider-Man’s chest. It was becoming difficult, no impossible to breath.

“Admit it, Spider-Man, admit it that there is no way you could beat me,” said the Green Goblin before he knelt down, feet grinding into the ribs of Spider-Man as Goblin reached down to choke the life out of him. “Admit it…Parker.”

The last word was issued in a taunting whisper that only they could hear as Spider-Man tried to push up but he could not. He had truly met his match, the Green Goblin had defeated the web slinger.

“Yes, Goblin, I do, I was an idiot for thinking I could beat you,” gasped Spider-Man as he saw right above the Green Goblin, a large stone gargoyle. Perhaps if he timed it just right. “It was hopeless.”

“Now, I’m going to remove that mask right now and this time, the entire world is going to see who you really are,” said the Green Goblin as he released his grip to get in the proper position to remove the mask but Spider-Man’s arms rose up. Webbing wrapped around the gargoyle and with all of his strength, Spider-Man tugged. The gargoyle crumbled slightly before it came crashing down. The Green Goblin turned around, as the gargoyle partially smashed over him. Dust was sent over him, as Spider-Man pulled himself to his feet and rocked the Green Goblin with a punch. He dropped down, wincing as he was still sore. The Green Goblin remained on his feet and rushed forward, with a crazed expression.

“Not going to win, not this time, Goblin,” said Spider-Man in a pained, but determined voice, as he flipped right over the Green Goblin. The Goblin spun around quickly just as Spider-Man landed on his feet. Spider-Man wrapped webbing around the legs of the Green Goblin and pulled with all of his might. The Green Goblin landed right on the ground with a thud, with Spider-Man pulling himself up and swinging forward. Both feet connected right in the chest of the Green Goblin and the wind was knocked completely out of him, but the Green Goblin smirked when he had spotted a discarded pumpkin bomb on the ground and he threw it with all of his mind but Spider-Man turned his web shooter and wrapped webbing around the pumpkin bomb. With a swing, he launched the pumpkin bomb into the air.

“Missed!” cheered the Green Goblin as he raised his hand but the ledge above him exploded, causing a large amount of rubble to fall down. The Green Goblin held up the rubble with his superior strength but Spider-Man leapt forward, slamming both of his feet into the Green Goblin’s chest. Once, twice, three times before he webbed the Green Goblin’s legs together and caused them to collapse, the rubble landing right on top of him, with Spider-Man standing right on top of it, as the Goblin nearly freed himself but deflated from the attempt.

“No I didn’t,” said Spider-Man as the Green Goblin struggled, but Spider-Man shot lines of webbing, forcing the large piece of rubble down on right on the Green Goblin, trapping him. His arms and legs still thrashed, forcing Spider-Man to expend the rest of his webbing in both cartridges. “There, that should hold you, Gobs.”

“When I get out of here,” said the Green Goblin as he trailed off, breathing heavily. The battle had taken its toll on him as well, the super adrenaline caused by his powers was beginning to taper off and the pain had set in, before he blacked off. He was still breathing, but it was shallow, as Spider-Man pulled the rubble off of him, ready to disable him should he wake up.

“Yeah, you’ll make me regret the day I’ve been born, you and every other super powered villain I’ve ever met,” muttered Spider-Man as he slumped forward, but morbid curiosity got the better of him.

This could be the end of the secret identity thing, he knows I’m Peter Parker, whoever he is,” thought Spider-Man desperately. “But it’s a perfect opportunity to know who he is.”

“You actually defeated him?” asked Harry causing Spider-Man to spin around in surprise.

“Yes, I did, for what it’s worth,” said Spider-Man and he did not give a chance for Harry to ask what Spider-Man meant by those cryptic comments. “Now to find out who the Goblin is.”

The mask was slipped off to reveal a very familiar and unconscious face and Spider-Man jumped up in shock, eyes widened if he could scarcely believe what he was seeing.

“Norman Osborn!” shouted Spider-Man in surprise just as Harry shouted “Dad”. Spider-Man backed off. “It’s impossible though, it can’t be…he was…”

“The explosion,” muttered Harry but he refused to speak a second more but those words had given Spider-Man all the evidence he needed.

The explosion was planned, Harry was right all along, nothing Osborn does is an accident, he planned that explosion to turn him into the Green Goblin but why?” thought Spider-Man.

“The Kingpin,” murmured Norman, as greenish ooze splattered from his mouth, which caused Spider-Man to recoil in horror and even Harry looked sickened.

“The Kingpin?” asked Harry in confusion but the sirens went off, as the police arrived, along with officials from the Ravencroft Asylum for the Criminally Insane.

“A very powerful mob boss,” said Spider-Man who was racked in pain. He would need to get back to the Baxter Building soon for some more medical attention and perhaps an earful as well. He looked at Harry, who looked at his father, who he had believed to be dead all these weeks, now surfaced as the Green Goblin. “Look, I’m really sorry…”

“Don’t be, Spider-Man, it is my father who brought this onto himself,” said Harry as he watched the body of Norman Osborn strapped to a gurney, offering no signs of life other than shallow breathing. His eyes were open without blinking in a rather catatonic state. “Maybe he’ll get the help he needs but…I know he killed Peter.”

“Parker is alive,” said Spider-Man and Harry looked at him with a look of confusion. “I got him out of there in time, just in time, he had to get medical attention at the same place I did and he’s on the mend. Obviously takes a bit longer for him to heal, but he’s on the mend and he should make a full recovery any time now. Of course, someone needs to have a talk with him about not taking photographs in such risky places, but that’s not my place really and I doubt someone like that would listen.”

“You seem to have a pretty good measure of Pete,” muttered Harry but his mind was on his father. Even after he got his treatment, Harry wondered if he would ever be the same again. Perhaps the treatment that he needed would be for the better, but any thoughts of keeping this quiet was extinguished when the news media crowded around, getting a good look at the unmasked Green Goblin. Norman Osborn’s face was broadcasted all over the world.

Using the confusion of the news media arriving, Spider-Man swung off, wincing as the webbing caused stress on his shoulder. He had just narrowly defeated one of his toughest enemies but the back of his mind was buzzing with pure paranoia. When Norman recovered, would he remember what he learned as the Green Goblin? It was a terrifying thought, not for himself, but for his loved ones.


May Parker sat right in the kitchen of her house, eyes darting to the window absent mindedly.. She had gotten a phone call just earlier that day, fearing the worst but it was good news. Peter had not been killed in the explosion as feared, but it was a close call, all too close but the fact her nephew was completely safe and would make a recovery after some rest. He needed some specialized medical attention but Spider-Man had ensured that her nephew had gotten everything he needed and for that she was grateful. Still she could not sleep even one wink until she saw that her nephew was returned to her safely.

“Gwen, I can walk you know,” protested Peter from outside of the house, which caused May’s expression to brighten.

“I’m aware you can walk, but I promised your aunt that I would get you home safely and in one piece,” said Gwen.

“I’m just a bit sore, that’s all,” said Peter.

“Still think you’re lucky with that one,” replied Gwen and there was a brief muttering. “Don’t you dare roll your eyes at me, Peter!”

“Sorry, Gwen,” said Peter in an apologetic voice as he reached up to knock on the door but Aunt May had already reached the door. “Hey, Aunt May.”

“Peter, I was so worried,” said Aunt May. “Caught in a battle between Spider-Man and that awful Green Goblin person, I saw the news, I can’t believe he was Harry’s father.”

“Neither can we, Mrs. Parker,” responded Gwen dryly as she watched Peter sit down, just barely able to collapse.

“Are you are you’re okay Peter?” asked Aunt May. “You look dreadfully pale.”

“He’ll be fine when he rests,” said Gwen as she looked at Peter with a warning look.

“Yes, Peter, you look like you could use some rest, you haven’t looked like you’ve slept in days,” said May and Peter winced, that was not far off. “Thankfully that science camp of yours isn’t for another couple of weeks, it will give you plenty of time to take it easy.”

May turned to Gwen.

“Thanks for getting him home in one piece, Gwen,” said Aunt May. “I’m glad Peter has a bright young girl like you to look out for his best interests when I’m not around. I know it’s silly, but I worry so much time, taking photos of Spider-Man, some of the people that he fights, not exactly the most mentally stable.”

“Believe me, it’s not silly,” said Gwen. “It’s getting late, I better head on home.”

“Of course dear, you wouldn’t want your father to worry,” said May.

“Bye, Peter, I’ll see you tomorrow,” said Gwen as they exchanged a goodnight kiss, before Gwen turned, walking for the door.

“Yeah, see you tomorrow,” said Peter as he laid back.

“I think some dinner is order for you, young man and then a good night’s sleep,” said May.

“Not exactly the way I wanted to start off my summer vacation,” said Peter as he tried to relax, but thoughts on what the Green Goblin knew plagued him.


Norman Osborn sat in a cell in Ravencroft. While others made screams and other noises of discontent, he sat quiet and rather catatonic, as two doctors moved outside of his room to check in.

“He hasn’t moved since he got here, Dr. Hamilton?” asked a voice.

“No he hasn’t,” stated Dr. Barton Hamilton, the chief psychiatrist at Ravencroft. “A model prisoner really, most people when they get here babble and it’s interesting to find out exactly what makes them tick. Mr. Osborn on the other end is quiet, almost in stoic acceptance in his defeat. The blood work we’ve done answered far more questions about his condition than anything else.”

“Why’s that?” asked the unnamed doctor.

“The explosion that was believed to kill him doused him with an experimental formula increasing his strength, agility, endurance, intelligence, and tolerance to pain, with the cost of warping his mind,” explained Dr. Hamilton. “It will always be there, but without constant reinforcement, it will be mostly inactive with few side effects. Still, the serum allowed him to survive a battle with Spider-Man where he should have been killed from the injuries many times over.”

“Remarkable,” said the unnamed doctor.

“Just as remarkable as Spider-Man, he survived a lesser, but still inhumane amount of punishment,” said Dr. Hamilton. “My diagnosis is that he is driven by similar enhanced means but also a desire to amend some past wrong. Perhaps the death of a loved one that he feels he could prevented. The Goblin on the other end, is driven by an obsessive compulsive control, to prevent a different kind of loss. Driven by the need to protect possessions rather than people he is close to, in fact, I daresay Norman Osborn is incapable of feeling any kind of love towards any human being, besides twisted unhealthy obsession based off of some kind of childhood trauma but this is just from what I’ve been able to find out from merely observing the news media footage involving the battles between the two. Without interviewing them, it will be hard to determine exactly what drives these remarkable and quite odd super powered human beings.”

The two doctors left, as a spider crawled right beside Norman on the bed he was sitting. Raising his fist, he smashed the spider to a pulp. An arranged bout of amnesia once he came out of his catatonic state would be all he needed to lure the Kingpin, Spider-Man, and the rest into a false sense of security until the Green Goblin would make his return.

Timing was everything.


“I tried to talk to Harry earlier but he didn’t answer his phone,” remarked Peter to Gwen over the cell phone. He had been confined to the house for the next couple of days to rest, by Aunt May and he hoped there would be no crime to speak of. He did send the photos he managed to get of the first battle with the Green Goblin to Jameson, hoping that would pacify the publisher. “Have you had any luck with him?”

“Much of the same I’m afraid,” said Gwen. “Tried to swing by to visit him in person but the media is everywhere. Not only that but movie producers.”

“Movie producers?” asked Peter in confusion.

“Yeah, they want to buy the rights to the story of the life and tragic downfall of Norman Osborn into the Green Goblin or some such nonsense like that, I can just imagine what Harry’s going through,” said Gwen. “It should have been obvious.”

“The more I think about it, I agree,” said Peter but he thought, wondering what would happen now. Not only because of his identity, but because of Harry and the fact that his father was the Green Goblin. He would not get a moment of peace.

“We’re going to have to be supportive for Harry,” said Gwen.

“I know and I will be,” said Peter firmly, his obsession with taking the Green Goblin down had nearly cost him everything but also on the other side of the choice, it was the same obsession that had given him just enough strength.

“We will be,” amended Gwen.

“Right and I’ll talk to you later, see if I can get in touch with Harry,” said Peter.

“Right bye, Peter,” said Gwen.

“Bye, Gwen,” said Peter and seconds later, he tried Harry. Once again, no response and Peter tried to relax, even though it felt like there was a million thoughts going through his mind at the same time.


In his secret laboratory in an underwater cave, Otto Octavius, alias Doctor Octopus was in the middle of making plans to gain his revenge on the Kingpin and perhaps Spider-Man as well. It had been months since he had gone under ground to avoid detection and arrest, looking for the proper time to strike. Looking at a flier for Youth Science Camp, a two week event that was sponsored partially by one Wilson Fisk, Octavius began to piece together a plan for his revenge on the Kingpin.

An interesting item that would be on display caught the good doctor’s eye and he carefully made plans to accomplish two goals with one fell

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