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Spider-Man Chroncles Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the Spider-Man Chronicles?

A: A fan fiction retelling of the Spider-Man written by the webmaster(Potteraholic on

Q: Exactly what Spider-Man universe is this inspired by?

A: The Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon is the most obvious source of inpiration but it is only part of what I've inspired. The Comics(both the regular Spider-Man universe and the Ultimate Spider-Man comics), the Spider-Man movie series, and the 1990s Fox Spider-Man cartoon are among the inspiration for this series. Then there are my own ideas of course.

Q: Are there any other Marvel characters in this series?

A: Sure are! Within the first ten arcs, The Fantastic Four, Nick Fury, Magneto, The X-Men, and the Hulk appeared and that's just the obvious ones. Keep your eyes peeled for hints for future characters both heroes and villians.

Q: Exactly how often do you write new chapters?

A: There should be one to three arcs per week, depending on various factors. Each arc runs can be anywhere for one to four chapters in length(from four thousand to about twenty thousand words roughly), but that could vary.

Q: Why hasn't (insert Spider-Man character) appeared yet?

A: Most likely they will, sooner or later. Visit the Board and check out the list of confirmed characters for upcoming story arcs.

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